Neet becomes suicide river today

 Neet or suicide  Date :-05/05/2024                Trueguides Today we see many candidates who want to be a doctor in future works hard to get medical seat in india.if they fail to get that opportunity they end their life,because they think neet exam is the last hope to survive in this world .they dont see the opportunities towards them have wide range. Such people who want to be successful never depend on neet only because they are clear they know neet is not only the way to become successful. Today's best deals:- 40%off POCO M6 Pro 5G (Forest Green, 4GB RAM, 128GB Storage)  link to Buy this with 40 %discount  :-

Best 5 hacks for healthy life routine || स्वस्थ जीवन दिनचर्या के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ 5 हैक्स

Best 5 hacks for healthy life  

As we know a healthy person is more active and energetic then from other peoples we have to fit and healthy in life.its not impossible healthy person always mantain their healthy life because they get nutritious diet or food.

Reasons why should have to get healthy life.

We know that our body performs different functions  in daily, for the daily life purposes we have to get nutritious food that provide us energy to do our daily works.

So for a healthy life we are presenting 5 incredible hacks that helps in making your life healthy.

1.drink 1-2 glass of water in early morning or take 1 glass of carela juice.

2.take some fruits or salad  in afternoon 

3.take a limited meal in your lunch.the lunch should be nutritive as well as less oily.

4.always take some dry fruits in evening around 5 pm and take a lighter dinner .

5.always spent 2 hours of a day for physical exercises and take a proper sleep of 6-7 hours.

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Reasons :why should we have to get nutritious food.

*we should have to get  nutritious food
 because our body performs different function so for the purpose of energy we have to eat nutritious food for healthy life.


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